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Just Rethink about your water. How much water you are using a day & How much water you are drinking a day? As per the Amrut Filtration 96% water you are using a day & only 4% of water you are drinking a day. Now, Days you are only purifying drinking water & balance usage water is not purified & it’s seems as impure water. Sediment are bad news – especially in water. They can lead to harmful, debilitating and in the long run, expensive after effects. In short, not good news. Sediment can cause a variety of problems from cloudy water, to stains, to damage of plumbing fixtures and appliance that use water. Homes with well water frequently have an undesirable level of sediment in water. Even homes with municipal water have problem due to older water supply pipe and water service interruptions such as hydrant cleaning or new construction in the area. A whole house water filter treats water at it point it enters your home and supplies clean water everywhere you need it. Whole house filtration systems come in many different forms, including water softeners, UV water purifiers, or carbon filters. The smell and taste of a home’s water supply can be improved by using a whole house system with carbon media filter.